الثلاثاء، 26 أكتوبر 2010

Not ready to deposit your own money? You are in luck because at PokerNetOnline we will start off your Free Online Poker Experience with a $150 no deposit bonus straight into your Titan Poker Account.

Throughout the registration process you will have to download the titanpoker software. You will then need to setup an account with them. Then, you will fill out a form on our web page which includes your Titan account name so we will be able to transfer the money. You will then receive a $50 no deposit poker bonus right into your account which you can being playing with.

After you complete the registration, we will deposit $50 into your Titan Poker account. Once you complete the requirements (10000 Titan Points) we will deposit another $100 into your free poker money account.

You should receive the funds within 24 hours to 4 days. Please do not post on our forums until you have waited that long. Sometimes, though, things happen which could delay payment.

Click here to get the 150$ free Titan Poker money

This offer is not available to United States Residents. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

•You must be at least 21 years or older to qualify for this offer.
•You must be a first time Titan Poker real money player, if you have had an account with Titan Poker in the past you do not qualify for this offer.
•Only one account per computer, per person, and/or per address.
•If you currently have a PLAY money account with Titan Poker you are still eligible, but you must create a NEW account for REAL money.
•You must earn 4500 Titan Points to withdraw your money from Titan Poker.

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